These words are paraphrased from a biblical passage in the book of Revelations. While it has a number of different meanings and interpretations, the one that is most germane to my purpose is mental. The Beast is the hideous monster that lies in our minds. It’s the petty, scared and insecure being that exists in every person on earth. It has no boundaries, no limitations with respect of culture, language, status or geography. Who is powerful enough to fight him?
Simply we all have enough power if only we could summons the internal fortitude to resist falling prey to the illusions. The first and most important step in this effort is self-discovery. It’s a duality. On the one hand you must know that you are weak and you are susceptible to the power of the beast. On the other hand this weakness must be transmuted into the energy of power to know that we all posses the strength to conquer the beast.
I posted a great YouTube from Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple computer. He speaks on the trials and tribulations that went on in his life and how he overcame them. It’s very inspiring. Listen particularly to the part about connecting the dots of the future. Without taking his thunder, give a listen and enjoy, knowing the answer to the question, who is powerful enough to make war with the beast? Whoever is willing.