Monday, July 26, 2010

Reality, Clear as Mud?

Seeing with new eyes

One of the most fundamental things to understand is the nature of reality. Most of us think because we see an object or an event we are seeing things as they are. As if we are objective observers sitting outside of the situation performing an independent analysis. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What we see is more of a function of what we “think” or “want’ to see, there is no such thing as objectivity. Why? For most of our entire lives we have been taught in school that objectivity was a fundamental pillar of understanding our world.

New findings in physics have confirmed what some ancient and eastern philosophies have been telling us for ages. Without providing the entire background for those who are interested in this topic it is covered in the book by Fritjof Capra entitled The Tao of Physics. Simply put, the macro world of physics was turned upside down when they tried to explain the micro world of sub-atomic physics. This gave rise to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, which says if you can either measure a particles position or momentum, but never both.

The fundamental shift in understanding was that the observer influences was is being observed! By the mere act of trying to measure a particles activity, that act influenced the results. Reworded, there was no separation possible, no objectivity, no me, the scientist/observer and no object/observed, only the combination determined reality.

What what does all of this have to do with you or me? As we live our lives, we hold in our minds that what we observe as reality separate from ourselves, we seek an level of objectivity. This is an illusion. What you see isn’t the reality you think it is, that’s a fact. In part, you are creating the reality that you are experiencing, there is no separation.

In a good mood, chances are every thing you experience from there will have a different feel, upbeat, positive, you can conquer the world. In a bad mood, your reality will flow from that as well, nothing ever works out for me, no way this is going to work, nothing ever goes my way. Both are these view points similar to the proverbial glass half empty or half full.

Remember, the glass can be half empty, half full or both, its all a matter of perspective.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is Grounding?

Grounding is a process much like meditation, you don't just do it a few times it's a continuous activity. As the daily events of our life unfolds the constant change and the ebb and flow of life requires us to Ground ourselves so we can function and be productive. The greater the uncertainty the more we have to check our Grounding cord and make sure it's solid and rooted.

The energy of Grounding is an immutable force in the universe, it's the only access we have to root ourselves. Many people will use all types of what are essentially vices to facilitate their rooting. Grounding is unlike any other process of rooting, there is no church, philosophy, belief system, leader, membership, cost or anything else.

The process of Grounding is easy to do, the hard part is remembering to check and re-establish your Grounding cord throughout the day.

How do you know when you are not grounded?

* Indecisiveness
* Crippling Uncertainty
* Not making decisions for yourself
* Inability to achieve the smallest goals
* Feeling lethargic

How do you know when your are Grounded?

* One will possess a strong sense of confidence
* Less fearful of decision making and its consequences
* You will feel like you less gullible
* You will be more centered and alert

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome to Daily Grounding

Welcome to Daily Grounding, a blog designed to enrich your soul and lift your spirit.

The daily rigors of life can be quite overwhelming and this blog is dedicated to help you create some Grounding everyday.

By Grounding we mean similar to a tree with a root system as large as double its height, people also must have a substantial mental and spiritual root system to Ground themselves. The winds and storms of life will be easier to handle if we can create a way to Ground ourselves, which allows us to better deal with our problems as opposed to avoiding and running from them.

The general misconception is to only focus on the ethereal and attempt to solve problems by creating more concepts and models, but the most overlooked aspect of human development is the importance of creating a strong spiritual Grounding.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Introduction To Daily Grounding

A spiritual journey for everyday. Join in the development of this site. Leave a message and tell us about your experiences of using the universe for energy and grounding to achieve your dreams and goals.